Currency exchange

Currency to exchange: UAH


Method: Manual, to obtain the details, you need to contact the online support chat;
Verification: No verification is required on the service for the exchange. However, for new users, to avoid any potential future issues with complaints about the payment or questions from the bank, we may ask you to send a photo of the card against the site background (it is possible to send a photo of a virtual card and a photo of the exchange), or your photo with the document.



Currency I receive:


Method: Manual, require operator processing;
Processing: 1-90 minutes during the service working hours. Rarely, due to load, it may take longer;
Receipt: Instantly. Very rarely, according to bank regulations and the recipient bank's specifics.

Give it away: OTP Bank UAH

You receive: mBank PLN

Enter card or account number *
Name and surname of the cardholder *

Personal data

E-mail *

